Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Inspection & Testing: Chris Kitcher

Please find the following link to some very useful inspection & testing videos (courtesy of Chris Kitcher - Routledge) to support your on-going revision for both the theory and practical elements of this unit:


Tuesday, 21 January 2020

18th Edition Qualification Handbook C&G 2382-18

Please find below the link to the QHB of the 18th Edition C&G 2382-18, where you can find the breakdown  of the outcomes for this multiple choice assessment.

60 Qs over 2 hours, so how many minutes per question?

Remember you are not allowed to write any notes in your regs book!

Good luck and don't forget to use the tabs for bookmarking!


Thursday, 5 September 2019

Level 3 Electrotechnical Qualification (Installation) or (Maintenance) (5357-03) QHB 09.19

Welcome all!

By clicking on the link below, please find and download the latest qualification handbook for the C&G 5357 Level 3 Electrotechnical (Apprenticeship), as accessible from their website.

(Dec '18 V. 2.1)

Use the QHB as reference as you continue your studies at level 3.

Good luck with it all!


Level 3 Electrical Installations City & Guilds 2365 Diploma QHB 09.19

Welcome all!

By clicking on the link below, please find and download the latest qualification handbook for the C&G 2365 Level 3 Diploma, as accessible from their website.

(Jan '18 V. 1.6)

Use the QHB as reference as you continue your studies at level 3.

Good luck with it all!


Friday, 8 June 2018

C&G 5357 Revision Link

You can use the following link to support your on-going multiple assessment revision from the C&G 5357 qualification, courtesy of Swindon Massive:
